Students after an event

About Us:
Mission & Goals

Our Mission

The K-12 STEM Center is committed to providing equitable, culturally responsive opportunities for youth, families, and schools in STEM.
USC Viterbi School of Engineering Logo

Our Goals.

For 40 years, USC Viterbi School of Engineering has collaborated with K-12 schools, teachers, and students to strengthen STEM pathways that broaden college and career options. Our programs and research-based interventions offer project-based experiences that support the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards and serve the nation’s urgent need for a STEM-ready workforce.

Strategies and Initiatives

Develop strategies and initiatives to boost diversity, focusing on increasing representation of female, African American/Black, Hispanic/LatinX/Latine, and Native/Indigenous students in STEM programs.

STEM Programs

Provide STEM programs and activities locally and regionally to K-12 students, teachers, families, and communities.

Volunteering and Employment

Provide opportunities for USC students to engage in K-12 STEM outreach through volunteering and employment.

Refine STEM Broader Impacts

Collaborate with USC faculty to develop and refine STEM broader impacts and participation for K-12 audiences.

Education Networks

Facilitate and engage K-12 STEM education networks.

Provide Opportunities

Providing equitable, culturally responsive opportunities for youth, families, and schools in STEM.

Published on March 26th, 2024

Last updated on June 6th, 2024