This week, our group was tasked with building a bridge and a remote control car. The bridge must have a driving surface of four feet, must span a 3 foot space with a 1 foot clearance, and support a remote control car carrying 3 red bricks. The only materials we recieved were 15 balsa wood planks, 144 balsa wood strips, and 15 hot glue sticks. We were also given a robotics kit to construct our car. Over the course of the week, we learned many concepts relating to our project, and did A LOT of math. Our teammate Emily had an amazing idea to draw a model exactly to scale, which saved us a lot of work and heartache. Cameron, Tyler, and Michael worked on our remote control car. The three of them wired, cut metal, bolted stuff together, and programmed our car. Tyler, Emily, Hailey, and Cameron assembled the bridge. They cut balsa wood, glued what seemed like an endless amount of structures, and assembled the legs and trusses. MIchael and Hailey worked on this website while Emily and Hailey worked on the Prezi.

Industrial, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering

Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the optimization of complex processes or systems.

Industrial engineers work a lot with efficiency, and they work a lot with factory processes. They are always looking for ways to improve manufacturing and processing systems. “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” - Bill Gates

Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of engineering, physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.

Mechanical Engineers work a lot with moving parts, while Civil Engineers work with static structures. Mechanical engineers build cars and other transit, as well as wind turbines.

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.

You know that bridge you drive over every day? Or that dam that supplies power to your city? Civil engineering made that possible. Driving down the highway? Civil Engineers.

With these three types of engineering, life as we know it is possible, and increasingly efficient.


Published on February 25th, 2018Last updated on May 11th, 2022