Section A Group 1:
Members are Jack, David, Aquesha, Derek, Zach, and Nicholas
Electrical Engineering:
Electrical engineering is the branch of engineering that designs and creates all electronic and circuitry parts of larger objects. This includes vehicles, refrigerators, computers, and cell phones.
As a group, we started with creating working circuits that turned lights on in a series and parallel circuit:
The next day, we took it a step further to design circuits using gates to create a logical circuit on a breadboard:
Biomedical Engineering:
Biomedical engineering utilizes engineering to advance healthcare. It solves problems in biology and medicine. Bioengineers usually design and build instruments and devices such as artificial joints, implants, and MRI machines. In our study of biomedical engineering, we made a medicine delivery system, which will be discussed later.
A scratch program was made to represent how the curcuit should perform:
Main Project: Medicine Delivery System:
The system works by displaying a green light when zero symptoms of illness are present. A yellow led was displayed when one sympton was present and a red light was displayed when two symptoms were present. An alarm went off when all three symptoms were present. We started off the project by getting a design together. We first tried to figure out the logic we had to use. For example, we had to figure out whether to use "OR" gates or "AND" gates. The design that we made helped us to build the circuit for the medicine delivery system circuit. Once the build of the major circuit was complete, we started to work on the alarm circuit and the clock circuit. Several different designs were proposed but we ended up picking a pretty simple design. Since the alarm circuit and the clock circuit had same logic, the same design was used for both the alarm and the clock circuits. After all three circuits were completed, they were connected and tested. Although we faced many challenges we were still able to perservere and build a functioning circuit.
We first split up into two teams, one to create the alarm, the other to figure out the logic behind the circuit first. First, Derek and Zac started to build the alarm. Because this is our first time building a alarm by using a circuit diagram, we had lots of problems during the building process. After Derek and Zac finished the alarm, they test the alarm multiple times and adjust the resistor and wires. Although, Derek and Zac try their best to work on the alarm, the alarm still would not make a sound. After, Nicholas come to help Derek and Zac to build the clock, and they eventually made the alarm create a little static sound. Although, we knew there were some problems with the alarm, we still did not know how to slove them. After finishing the alarm, Zac, Derek, David start to focus on building the clock. For the clock, we just copy exactly the same stuff from the alarm. However, after we finshed, the clock did not work either. After that, we call professor Gray comes to help us on the alarm. After this, we used a big capacitor and flipped the resistors, so they couldn't short themselves; after all these process, our alarm finally made a correct and loud sound. Next, all the group members start to focus on the clock becasue clock is the only thing left. David decided to rebuild the clock. After finishing the clock, the clock does not work very well. However, Jack come to help us to finish the clock. After Jack adjusted some resistor and wires, the clock finally worked. Although, we had lots of problems and faced may challlenges during the process of building, none of us gave up. We all give our best to building the project. All in all, these 4 days for us were hard, but we all feel excited.