Types of CircuitsA Series Ciruit is a closed circuit in which the current is only able to flow in one path. In our circuit there are two buttons attached to two LEDs. In order for the LEDs to be lit, both buttons must be pushed. Because it is a series circuit, it is not possible for one LED to be lit while the other is not. A Parallel Circuit is a circuit which has two paths. In our circuit there are two buttons attached to one LED. This means that the LED can be lit by hitting either button. Both buttons do not have to be pushed in oreder for the LED to be lit. Because there are two paths, this type of circuit is often very helpful. In a parallel circuit with two LEDS, if one were to go out, the other would still work. Unfortunaly this type of circuit uses more power. |
Biomedical Engineering Career Description...Biomedical Engineers specialize in the implementation of engineering principles in medical practice. They develop biocompatible prosthesis, micro implants, and diagostic equipment like MRI and CT scanners. Biomedical engineers are essential for increasing duration and quality of life. Learn more: online-engineering-info.case.edu or wikipedia.org/wiki/biomedical_engineering | Electrical Engineering Career Description...An Electrical Engineer deals with the application of electricity and technology. This includes analog / Digital electronics, robotics, and control systems. This job is in increasing demand as they design, test, and implement new technology. learn more: americasjobexchange.com/electrical-engineer-job-description |
College Readiness Logic EquationIn order to get more practice with truth tables and logic equations, our group completed the first few steps of the college readiness project. In this project, it was our job to design a device that would help students determine if they met the requirements for a college. We began with a truth table of all the possible situations. Once we wrote them all out, there were 32 situations, but our next step was to eliminate all of the "don't care" sitiations. Once that was finished, we ended with 16 real situations. |
Medicine Delivery SystemWhile our design process was slightly defferent because this was an assignment given to us by a professor, we still went through steps similar to the flow chart above. Once we got our assignment, we had to begin designing a circuit that would be able to met the requirments of the assignment given to us. This led into our idea generation step. This step was definitly the most challenging because of all of the different ideas in our group. Everyone was fighting for their idea until we finally agreed on one. The step that took the longest was production. Because there were 5 different sections to build, we had to get each section working before we could put them all together. The last thing that we has to do was testing. Because so many different people worked on the different parts, it was challenging to put them together. |
Final ProductOnce we got the whole circuit, we had some decisions that we had to make. Our first decision was to debate if the alarm should go through the flip flop. We decided that whenever three symptons were present, the alarm should ring even if it is not time for the medicine. Next, we were debating whether or not we should do the same with the red light. We decided against it because if the patient does not recieve their medicine, they need to know that it is because there are two symptons present. Here is the green light when it is lit because no symptons are present. Here is the yellow light when it is lit because only one sympton is present. Here is the red light when it is lit because two symptons are present. Once there are three symptons present, the alarm will sound. | Link to The SImulator:https://simulator.io/board/QB4zNlHPQ8 Link to The Prezi:http://prezi.com/sta1-5pccvph/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy Link to The Scratch:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/166753235/ |