Group Members:

Joshua Lee, Mason Lau, Grace Kripgans, Andrew Kam, Nina Huang, and Matthew Liberson

Electrical and Biomedical Engineering:

Electrical Engineering: Electrical engineering is involved in different types of interests all over the world. It contains digital logics and circuits. Electrical engineering also maximizes the battery life of future apps. Electrical Engineering was an essential part of our project. Without the knowledge of electrical engineering or the concept of how wiring and powering works, this project would not have been a success after all.

Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical engineering is useful not only for general uses, but also to enhance life. Biomedical engineering enhances and extends the quality of people’s life and it is not very easy. Biomedical engineering goes hand in hand with electrical engineering. We used biomedical engineering in this project to create a system that dispenses medicine for those who are sick. This is very essential to suit human life.

Materials used for circuiting:

The materials used for this project were very interesting. We used electrical wires in which allowed electricity to flow through the wires, AND and OR gates which allow an input-input-output source, push buttons which were programmed to act as a switch, breadboard and an arduino board, LED lights, resistors, capacitors, inverters, battery packs, a multimeter, and a buzzer.

This is the arduino and the breadboard attached to the black holder in which our logic system was built on and programmed:

Arduino and breadboard

Medicine Delivery System:

The Medicine Delivery System is a system that dispenses medicine depending on the level of sickness of a patient. This is essential to better the human life because without medicine, people could get very sick, and medicine has been evolving humans lately. Humans only used to live about 40 a long time ago but now humans can even live to the age 90! We created this system using the materials given. If no buttons are pushed, it means the patient may be sicked a medicine will be dispensed, but you should check a doctor; the green light will turn on. If one button is pushed, a yellow light will appear, which means you are sick and you need medicine. If two buttons are pushed, a red light will appear, which means there are two risks. If all buttons are pushed, it means that you are in need of immediate attention and an alarm will sound.

The team gathering ideas for the logic circuit:

team gathering for ideas

The Logic circuit simplified and drawn on the whiteboard:

logic circuit on whiteboard

The logic circuit simulated onto a laptop simulator:

logic circuit simulation.

The alarm being put together:

alarm put together

The team undergoing a stress phase:

team in stress

The final product coming along:

final product

The team discovers a problem in the final layout:

team discussing

The final project ready for presentation:

final project

Overview of the project:

When our group members walked into class, we imagined building bridges, robots, and all sorts of cool stuff, but this idea was devastated when we found out what real life engineers really do. When engineers are creating a project, they think. Thinking is an essential part of building a project. Without thinking, there is a great chance of error. During this project, we learned not only about engineering, but also about teamwork, coordination, and even ourselves.



Joshua Lee (7) and Grace Kripgans (1)


7/5 Wed

Today started out with an introduction to robotics, which most members of our group had little to no experience with.  At first, we were intimidated and unsure of how we would be able to complete the task we were given in a timely manner.  We decided that the best course of action was to write a motivational mission statement.  After that, we felt excited and eager to start our individual tasks which were delegated to each member of the group.

Andrew worked with the Scribbler, programming it to follow a line and avoid an obstacle without touching it.  He used a variety of sensors, along with a drag-and-drop coding program.  Nina and Grace worked on the RedBot, and started with very little previous experience.  Their bot was designed to follow a black line using a color sensor, and then maneuver around an obstacle with wire bumpers coded with the Arduino.  Matt built and programmed the PorpoiseBot, designed to find an opening and escape from a room.  As with all of the bots, it was designed to lead people in the event of an natural disaster.  Samantha worked diligently on the SumoBot so that it could follow a broken black line.  She coded it with Basic Stamp Editor, which she was unfamiliar with at first but eventually mastered.  Lastly, Mason built and programmed the VexIQ bot to follow a black line, maneuver around a brick, and pick up a blue cup.  Each team member faced the challenges of not having any previous knowledge of what they were working with, but each was able to persevere to produce a final working robot that met all of the guidelines.

In comparison to last week, our team was more centered around being productive and diligent communicators, which positively benefited the group atmosphere.  We made sure to be open to suggestions from other team members and constantly checked in with others to make sure that any problems encountered would be resolved as a group.  Our team name, Sigma Squad, continues to live and all of our group members respect each other for our talents, which were put to the test while we faced new unknown obstacles, and conquered them.

7/6 Thurs
 Work day

The second day of robotics arrived with frustration from the previous day.  Wednesday had been both stressful and tiresome as our group pushed through learning new programming languages and struggling with the bots.  However, we were determined to see this project to the end, and concentrated on our respective tasks.  Most of us continued to work on the robots that we had started with the day before.  That new day brought many problems and obstacles, all of which had to be overcome in time for the final presentation on Friday.

7/7 Fri

All of our members from the group got their assigned robots working before the presentation. Additionally, we also added two programs because of the extra time left. We made the Scribbler and RedBot to dance along the song Cha Cha Slide and we also programmed the Scribbler to draw out the symbol sigma with a pen.

Click here to get learn more about the Presentation Overview.

Published on February 25th, 2018Last updated on July 29th, 2024