Section A group 1:

 Zach, Derek, Davis, Jack, Aquisha, Nicholas

Civil Engineering:

Civil Engineering is an expanding field of engineering that impacts everyone on a daily basis. This type of engineering played a major role in helping us design our bridge for the project. Civil engineers are people who help the design the bridges we drive over and the buildings we go to school and work in. These engineers help us by making the public works safe for us to use on a daily basis.

Mechanical Engineering:

Similar to civil engineering, Mechanical Engineering is an expanding field of engineering that impacts everyone on a daily basis. Mechanical Engineers design the cars and buses we use every day. These vehicles help us everyday by making commutes to different places much easier and quicker. Through their work, society is progressing and life is becoming easier.

Summary of Week: The second week had started. The main project for this week was building a bridge that can let a mechaincal car corss successfuly. During the first day, our group seperated into two group. Jack, Aquisha, and Nicholas were mainly focused on designing and building the bridge. David, Derek, and Zach were mainly focus building the mechanical car. We went throuble many challenges throughout the week. For the bridge, our bridge was a to support a car carrying one brick. However, it collapsed when we tried to drive the car accross with three bricks. For the car, we realized that two motors did not provide enough power to turn the car with the bricks. We made the terrible choice of trying to reassemble the car with four motors so it could turn with bricks.

During the first day, Derek, Aquisha, and zach were focuing on the bridge. First, they just used an index card as a bridge, and they tested how many hex  nuts could the bridge handle. The result of this first activity was 5 hex nuts. After this, they created two triangle by cutting the index card, and , then, attach both arches to the edge of index card by taping the folder corners onto the surface of the card. The result of this "Triangle bridge" was 15. The third type of bridge is " Rectangle bridge". They added 8 pieces of index card to the "Triangle bridge', which form the "Triangle bridge" into a "Rectangle bridge". The result of the "Rectangle bridge" was 25. After this, they cut two more pieces of index card and connect them to the two edge. The  result of the finally bridge is 34 hex nuts.

Bridge: After the activity and lunch, all the group started to design their own beidge online in order to see how to create a strong beidge by using less money. Jack creted a strong bridge by only using 488,164 dollars; therefore, our group decided to use his ides. After this, two teams started to working on their own project. Nicholas, Aquisha, and Jack started to building the bridge. Building the bridge was not easy as they thought. Each group only had limtit materials and wood. They cut the wood and attach them by using glue them together. They also had to condisered the basic requirements about the bridge: the bottom of the bridge must be 1 feet high. After spent a lot of discussing, cutting and glueing. They finally finished the bridge.

Mechanical Car:Although, this was  Derek's and Davis' first time to built a mechincal car, we still felt very condifence becasue Zach had some experiences about building a  mechanical car before. At first, we followed the instruction on the  binder, which was  very easy becasue all we need to do was put the crew into a right place. Therefore, we built the physical structure very quickly. Everything was very will untile we communicate with our brodge team. We got some information that the  wide of the bridge are supposed to be twice as big as the car, and the wide of our car are too big to put on the bridge. Therefore, we had to seperate our car and short the wide. Seperating the car was easy to do, but cuting the iron rail was hard. Althoughm we spent lot of time on cutting , crewing, we finally finished it on thursday. The only thing left was programing the car. Programing the car was a lot harder than building it. We tried several times by ourselves and ask TA for helping. Right now, we were still working on the program the car.

Two extra Activies:

Egg drop: (I felt this was the most interesting activity) On Tuesday afyernoon, we worked with Archicecture students to finally the egg drop project. We learned a lot of new things and made new friends. We went to six floor and drop the eg, which is very exciting.

Field Trip: We went to Los Angles Environmental Learning Center to learn about how water is receive and make water to be clean, which is very interesting.

Scratch Link:

Published on February 25th, 2018Last updated on July 29th, 2024