Kaan. Matt. Meesue. John A. Martinez. Jimmy. Kaan.


C I V I L   E N G I N E E R I N G

Civil Engineering is pretty much the oldest form of engineering known to humans. It dates back to a very long time ago when humans first used materials to build huts, cathedrals, coliseums, and eventually, the most important invention to ever come out of civil engineering-- the bridge. Civil engineers today, aside from building bridges made out of balsa wood, design and construct buildings, urban systems, and anything else that requires an intricate but expansive and complex design. They also repair any existing systems that may be damaged or in need of refurbishing.


M E C H A N I C A L   E N G I N E E R I N G

Mechanical engineering is the study of mechanisms and machines. Mechanical engineers incorporate equations, intuition, and luck to design test and produce machines that require energy to work. They consider both thermal design and machine design before creating what they hope will eventually enter the market. Eventually, when their baby machines grow up to become fully functional, automated adult machines, mechanical engineers have to let their children go, only checking up on them every once in awhile for repair.


I N D U S T R I A L   E N G I N E E R I N G

Industrial engineering refers to the production of any economic good within an economy. As such, it is a very diverse field of engineering. Industries are grouped into three different categories: Primary Industries, Secondary Industries, and Tertiary Industries. Primary industries take resources directly from the planet, secondary industries manufacture products with the resources obtained from primary industries, and tertiary industries are composed of the services that run our society (education, healthcare). Industrial engineers in these categories develop complex systems made up of humans, knowledge, equipment, energy, and materials.



Published on February 25th, 2018Last updated on June 17th, 2022